
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Say to Your FC (But Wish You Could)

Okay, I admit it. I probably have told an fc these things at one point or another.  However, it’s not recommended.

#1. Are you really going to sit here and wait 30 minutes for the scrub who is five jumps away trying to decide what to fit on his ship? Let’s get this show on the road.

#2. I can’t hear you over the sound of your ego.

#3. Is that why your wife left you?

#4. I’ll align if I want to. I’ll warp if I want to. Being in this fleet is optional, and I don’t have to do what you say so calm the heck down.

#5. Do you take medication for that?

#6. Johnny547 said you’re a really terrible FC, but I’m really bored so what the heck? I’ll tech 1 fit my ship so it won’t be too great a loss.

#7. Your plan isn’t going to work. It is desperate, short sighted, and will probably get us all killed. Anyone who is semi-logical and has half a brain could see that.

#8. We just ran from a fleet half our size. Are there any real men in this fleet that can take over?

#9. It’s okay. I’m on coms with the enemy FC and he told me they only have half of what I told him we have.

#10. So, if we’re as terrible, noob, and fail as you say we are, what does that make you? The captain of fail?


  1. #8. We just ran from a fleet half our size. Are there any real men in this fleet that can take over?

    This should be #1 for the minnies. Please start fighting us with equal numbers.

  2. #8 A fleet with half my numbers is setting a clever trap. A fleet with twice my numbers is setting an obvious trap.
