
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pandemic Legion Loses a Titan to Militia

Killmail is here.

It's not every day I log in to hear that members of militia just killed a titan.

Apparently a plan was hatched by Predator Elite of the Amarr Empire to plan a joint, four militia operation to deal a significant blow to Pandemic Legion, who resides merely a couple of jumps from the Amarr and Minmatar base of operations. Some may remember Predator from a past operation, where he FCed an Amarr gang of stealth bombers to take out a Pandemic Legion carrier several months ago.

Informal meetings were held between FCs and leadership from all four militias, including Bahamut420, Sigma Pi, and Hans Jagerblitzen from Late Night Alliance/Minmatar Militia.

"It was Pred's idea." Said someone who was present during one of the meetings. "You could really tell he didn't give a shit about about the differences between the militias. He wanted to do this with everyone. It was a great idea."

Unfortunately even the best layed plans can go awry, not to mention the bringing together of four hostile groups from four different regions of space.

An opportunity presented itself Friday evening, and several alliances and corporations from the Amarr and Gallente decided to move forward in a sooner than expected assault. Much of the Minmatar militia were out of region, having done recon work in another region earlier in the day, and the Caldari were not in the area either.

Predator Elite, the mastermind behind the plot was also not involved. Instead, First General from Smurfsbrigade Wolfsbrigade helped lead the assault with the Gallente into a victorious, yet costly engagement, downing a PL Titan. The cost of the dreadnaughts and support lost by the Amarr/Gallente fleet nearly equalled the cost of PL's titan loss.

"Half those Amarr Dreads were fit like glass cannons," someone pointed out while there was some conversation going on about killboard's battlereport. "It looks like they very much expected to die, and just wanted to get as much dps on the field as quickly as possible before they went down."

If Predator's original plans had gone through, with all four militias being present, and more involvement from the members in other time zones "we would have wiped PL from Amamake." said one source. As it was, it only took a fraction of the Amarr/Gallente to take down one of their titans. It's kind of funny if you think about it, and I can only imagine the kind of trolling that pilot is facing right now.

Some may say militia forces got lucky that day. Others may consider the Gallente and Amarr operation was a bit clunky, considering how many losses they had to sustain to take down the prize. However, the entire situation does have some intriguing factors.

First, the handful of corporations and alliances on field represented a very small portion of faction war, meaning that the numbers of capitals they brought to the field also represented a minute fraction of the capitals that could be fielded by Faction War in general. This raises some interesting questions as well as some startling implications.

Second, the engagement shows that while Faction War pilots prefer small-gang pvp for their day to day operations, they aren't opposed, or unable, to breaking out the big stuff once in a while.


  1. Luck had nothing to do with it. The "opportunity" did not present itself, it was all set up for that time. In fact it was 14 minutes off the expected time that we set this up in the week. We'd been moving ships into bridge range all week. It was a very carefully planned op by Shadows of the Federation and Wolfsbrigade.

    Yes, the dreads were fitted for max damage. Our plan was gank and get out. Unfortunately PL revealed they were planning another op and their super fleet was online and one jump away.

    The Predator Elite plan is doubtful to have ever worked. To get 300 pilots in stealth bombers arranged and ready AND keep it a secret from PL who have one of the best spy networks in game?

    But we're still happy, we might have lost a lot of dreads BUT WE KILLED A PL TITAN!!! :o)

  2. Pred's plan was relying on a 300+ man fleet sneaking on PL while also batphoning everyone in eve and their mother without PL finding out. That was going to happen, yeah.

    1. +1

      Also, you mentioned "the operation was clunky, considering the losses," of course you'll have losses if you know PL has Supers and other Titans on stand by. We all knew full well there was a great possibility of going down and a very slight chance of jumping out if not pointed.

  3. It was a good kill, well executed.

    If you assume the dreads were all insured the cost equation suddenly looks a lot better for the militias.

    If you guys want to go with the bigger plan as well feel free, we're not going anywhere quite yet. :)

    1. Even without insurance pay outs, the Dreads vs. the Erebus + Carriers was still a positive ratio for the "FW Noobs." Especially considering that EVE Kill is under priced.

  4. A sad day for Militia roleplayers.

    A good day for anybody else, excluding Pandemic Legion ofc.

  5. Doing something like this again will be very difficult, as I'm sure PL is scrambling to get spies into FW capital channels now.

    1. You should read the other reports, this was done WITH the assumption that PL already had spies in the FW channels.

    2. Confirming that except 5-6 guys, nobody had an ideea what the op was about. Even the dread pilots jumped in blind.

    3. FW Capital channels are extremely hard to get into. Only the elite are allowed in. *grinz*

  6. FW don't have capital channels, just a few noobs who happen to have a dread laying around :P

    Also lol predator elite, that dude couldn't organise an orgy in a whorehouse. 300 stealth bombers, and a AAA batphone ... he really thought that was gonna work?

    1. Confirming pred can't organize a thing, or FC well or even batphone well.
      Because his batphones were failures in the past, he has failed to organize much anything else in the past, and the Amarr avoid his FCing at all costs.

  7. Pred is a fracking fool and you are too if you think his idea was worth a grain of salt. Its not like PL would have alts in the militias. Or that no one would let his plan slip so PL knew about it. No that wouldn't happen. Lets get a bunch of stealth bombers... what a fracking joke. I needed this laugh, thanks. Are you mad you aren't on the killmail? qq

    1. It's funny. When the same Pred took the same Amarr in stealth bomber to kill a PL cap, they thought they were kings of the world.

  8. IMortage: Why a sad day for RPers? We Minmatar RPers ally with Amarr regularly against pirates. Enemy of my enemy and all that. So, feel free to STFU about things you know nothing about.

    1. We also team up with pirates to kill the Amarr, and they team up with pirates to kill us, and sometimes they team up with the Gallente, and sometimes we do, and sometimes we go kill the Caldari, or the Amarr team up with some random 0.0 group....

      Welcome to militia.

  9. We had this plan in the cooker since last time PL deployed in Amamake. it got put on the back-burner because they moved out, but now they came back we dusted it off again.

    Just because Pred had an epiphany last week doesn't mean we're de-railing ours.

  10. I think some people are confused here... This wasn't some random op where we decided "oh now's our chance, lets blob with our dreads!" A substantial amount of time and planning was invested in making this work, and I can think of a bunch of people off the top of my head who bent over backwards to make sure of it.

    Dreads were chosen because they had the highest success rate at downing the Titan (the primary objective). Hence the fittings. Most of us don't give a rats ass about the dread losses, and for killing a Titan we sure as hell don't, in fact we proved it and showed we had the balls to do it.

    1. I am confused, you are confused, they are confused. We should have a confused party.

  11. This account is rampant with inaccuracies and blatant lies. I recommend reading a true account of it elsewhere, such as on the Wolfsbrigade homepage.
