
Monday, April 2, 2012

Not Again...

It started this way once before. A loosely organized group of corps that decided to dump a billion into a second ticker next to their names.

We just wanted pew, with little to no blues back then as well. Just for fun.

But just for fun has the tendency to turn into politics and bickering. Just for fun has the tendency to turn into drama and diplomacy, and more blues then we intended, and angry people.

"It's not that big of a deal Susan."

"Someone else will deal with it, no worries."

"It's still just for fun..."

"It's just an alliance. We're still the same."

And history repeats itself, and I cringe as people ask, and think, or dance around the same issues and questions that I once dealt with as an alliance leader, years ago.

I cringe as the very things I ran from -- the things that burned me out and washed me up--hurtle toward me like an accelerating train,

and I barely resist the urge to flee.


  1. Alliance politics are a pain. Honestly, our little RP alliance, ironically, has a lot less drama. Because it's little. And we're chill.

  2. I don't know what this blog post means. Something about drama without mentioning drama, I guess. Oh well. Hope everything goes well for you.

  3. Even without details being given I know exactly what you are speaking about here Susan. I wish you the best and hope it all works out.


  4. What are u on about?
    your not any sort of leadership or diplo..

    Were not blueing anyone.
    The blues we have are minnie and gall milita.

  5. "But just for fun has the tendency to turn into politics and bickering. Just for fun has the tendency to turn into drama and diplomacy, and more blues then we intended, and angry people."

    Yes it does. I've seen it more times than I want to count.

    What affects leadership and diplos will affect the whole corps.
    Anyone who says differently reminds me of a deaf man walking along train tracks.

  6. there are very few pvpcorps in eve that actually maintains a noblues policy

    i guess i dont see how an alliance, much less an alliance in FW can ever make this claim ;)
