
Friday, June 22, 2012

An Amarr Apologizes

In response to my previous post, two Amarr responded, one with a full apology. You can find their posts below.

Almity's Apology
Shalee's Response


  1. I'm curious about your opinion on the Goons? It seems that a not insignificant amount of drama within FW has been the result of behind the scenes manipulation...


  2. It's a good point. I for one hope we see the start of an Amarr bounce now the goon news is public. Minnies and the Amarr need each other to be strong for everyones mutual benefit. Im only interested in making things 'splode and I think we have all had enough of the drama over the last month or so.

    Great to see the mature comments linked above. Respect to both of you for posting them. Have added both your blogs to my list.

    Jjohnpaul Xvii

  3. I have not heard of this. Please tell!

  4. This whole situation has me laughing to the point of tears. I don't usually read eve-o forum posts, so I don't know how endemic the so-called "whining" amarr stuff goes, but what I have seen, reading here and Almity's blog, and what has been dropped in local after fights, like persistent claims that we use exploits to win fights instead of just simply winning on the merits of our fleet, are all just hilarious. I'm sorry the Amarr are losing the war; from the looks of things you have been losing for a long time, it's just that there was no consequence for losing until about a month ago. If all Almity wants is "guerilla" small gang pvp and no economic structures to support it, maybe he should consider joining RvB? Late Night Alliance has received more vitriole and anger from our foes than a high-sec griefer corp, and it all seems to be because we made the best of the situation that was presented to all of us. Almity and others wanted small-gang "elite" pvp, we wanted to win. If having lousy LP payouts makes you mad, put some real effort into capturing and controlling space. If all you want is consequence-free pvp, join RvB or blow things up on SiSi.

  5. No one loses fights against LNA/IO. They get ganked. LNA/IO have never been in a legit fight in their alliance history.

    1. Well no wonder you posted Anonymously. Your statement is blatantly untrue. Why to troll/whine! I will ignore the fact that LNA has only been around as an alliance since march (and the fact that I am not in the actual alliance) and say that not only has LNA been in many real fights that were not ganks at all, but even that we didn't win EVERY single one! That's right! Sometimes LNA loses an engagment and instead of whining that they got blobed and the amarr were fighting unfaily, LNA just reships and comes back out! Or they dock up and chat if they don't have the numbers to fight back :) Eitherway, you're post is clearly false and you are Anonymously stupid.
