
Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend War Games

Things were pretty quiet this weekend. A lot of people were on vacation, and yet others were a little burned out from the past few weeks of pew, or had rl stuff going on.

Thursday, some Minmatar in a different time zone took out two Amarr systems. This brought the Amarr back down to 13 systems. (We went into Inferno with the Amarr owning 12 systems.)

Friday night was probably the most fun time of the weekend, pvp-wise. The Amarr’s numbers seemed to explode lately, with it not uncommon to see 2-3 gangs around totaling 50-60+ people. We had around a dozen, so we were avoiding their mob.

It was reported that there was a neutral gang in Amamake camping the Os gate, so we decided to go try to break it up. They were gone by the time we got there, but our FC caught a lone hurricane on belt 1. We all went in for the gank. (Because, a lone BC sitting on top belt Amamake isn’t bait or anything. ;)

The rest of another neutral gang came in shortly after, 6+ remote repping domis, several other BSses, a couple canes, and a damnation. We had around 12 or so BCs, and thought we were probably about to get rolled. Our FC at the time (TeaEarlGray HOT) started calling targets, and we dove into a rather intense battle.

We took down their two megathrons first, and then their other non-Dominix battleships. (Also, their canes.) We were somewhat amazed that we were able to burn through their reps. We had encountered remote-rep domi gangs in the past that were nearly impossible to penetrate.

We started on the dominix’s last, being sure to keep point on the damnation. We only had a few left, when the Amarr came in with at least 50+ pilots. Even as they arrived, the FC continued to call targets, but as our overview exploded, he eventually called it. Quite a few of us got out. In a slow dual plated cane I figured I was toast, but most of them were only jamming me so I just aligned and warped away.

I didn’t find out until after the fight that the neutrals we had been fighting were Goonswarm. I had assumed it was Heretics who live in Amamake and thought it was weird most of their gang wasn’t flashy red. Anyway, gf, gf.

The rest of the weekend was mostly boring. We jumped back up to warzone control tier 4 again, which was really no surprise. It only takes around a million LP to cap up from low Warzone Control Tier 3 –and a million LP can be easily farmed by one pilot in an afternoon of mission running. Warzone Control was pretty low this week, dropping to the mid tier-3 level, but this was also not surprising. After reaching warzone control 5 last weekend, a lot of pilots cashed out their lp. It makes sense that after a warzone control 5 rush, there will be a week or two where things readjust again. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit warzone control 5 again next week, especially if we maintain 59 or more systems.

Saturday and Sunday were mostly quiet for the Minmatar. The Amarr camped our station in Kourm for quite a while with a massive fleet of pilots, but most of us were AFK or playing Diablo and didn’t really notice.

We also took two more systems Friday and Saturday, leaving the Amarr with 11 systems –the lowest number of systems they have owned since I can remember.


  1. Friday was fun. Sunday we just didn't have the numbers.

    Last night I saw a 30 ship BS fleet. Crazy.

  2. Only frustrating thing for me as a new FW pilot (not a new pilot, just new to FW) is trying to get into fleets -- I know they're running (I saw the TegH fleet, and I spotted Hans in a big gate camp in Kourm on Saturday), but they aren't listed in Fleet Finder and aren't mentioned in Milchat, so I'm not sure where that form-up is happening. My assumption is it's in some VIP/VET channel that takes six months to earn your way into, but it's discouraging when I'm trying to convince folks to try out FW for good PvP chances.

    1. Normally you have to ask on comms, x up somewhere etc. and suffer the awkwardness of interrupting a conversation.

      Its not so bad after DT, just around 00:00 eve time and after when you dont even want to fly in the fleets anymore because of the ppl in them.

      Want an example? Read one of susan's previous posts not too long ago where she actually complains about ppl asking for invite.

      My advice m8, is join another militia. Minnie has way too much ego and drama. Tell tour friends to do the same too.

    2. I'm not sure how the Minnies do it, but most Amarr fleets are just posted in the fleet finder. I guess doing it manually is more ~secure~, but having organised large fleets that way in the past I know how annoying it can be both for the guys running it and the people trying to get in.

    3. Doyce, get on an send one of us a PM. They'd get you private teamspeak access if you stick around for a bit.

    4. Azual: Yeah, I'm so used to using fleet finder to see what options I have available that's it's really been a culture shock to log in, open the window, and see it blank. It's interesting that other factions do it differently.

      Buck: I appreciate the advice, but the problem is I just don't know who 'us' is. :) I mean, yes: obviously TegH is a known name, and Hans, but after that? I don't know who's a vet and who just happens to be an opinionated loudmouth that everyone secretly hates.

      Anom: I see what you're saying, but I just *like* Minmatar, so right now I'm kind of hamstringing myself for my own pointy wizard hat preferences. :/

    5. Doyce, if you see me online, convo me and I'll get you in a fleet (however, I'm not in pod as much as I'd like). We run evenings US TZ. I'm in a wizard hat alliance but we run with the Late Nite crowd. - Kuan Yida

  3. My favorite part was when the plexes wouldn't spawn in any of the systems we were plexing. Yeah. That was awesome. So, we had about 1 plex an hour that spawned. All others were bugged.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks, Kuan. My in-game is Ty Delaney. I'll definitely keep an eye out.

  5. After you left on Saturday/Sunday Susan we managed a few more kills. I'm 90% sure we had a spy in our TS though, because each time we rolled out to actually get a fight we had the Amarr react with absolute precision to what we did--the first time was when we tried to engage their fleet in Auga and were instantly followed; the second was when we tried to turn tables on the fleet that followed us to Auga and they ran away. Then we got bored and were owned by the boosted Oracle/Huginn/Lachesis gang that runs in Kourm, though we eventually killed the Huginn when we got Tea out in a Huginn with a Drake/'Cane gang supported by drunk Bahamut in a Scimitar.


    Oh, and you missed Sneaky announce that as soon as he lost his Onyx he was going to rage quit, and then of course he did.

  7. It's still a bit early to say, but I think you might be underestimating how easy it is to maintain a high warzone control level. Warzone control wears down *really* quite quickly - since yesterday, minmatar have dropped about 15% - from 61 to 46. Even assuming yesterday was an exceptional day for plexing, that million LP will still need to be poured in every few days to maintain a steady state. Not to mention that that million LP translates to a pretty huge chunk of isk that someone has to not cash in for themselves!

    1. The thing I've noticed is that the Minmatar don't seem to have problems holding systems, but (with the removal of Goon Isk-printing LP infusions) they do seem to struggle more with keeping them upgraded to the tier "with which they have become accustomed", as they say. I saw a lot of people asking in Milchat "When are we going to get back up to t4?" and it made me want to ask "well, when are YOU going do something to get us there?"

      From a military standpoint -- holding systems -- Matar seems do just fine without Goon LP going into the system (obviously, as the two aren't really connected); where that whole Goon thing seems to have had a negative effect is in making people lazy about upgrading; there seems to be a kind of assumption (caveat: by the rank-and-file members) that Tier upgrades will just sort of magically happen at regular intervals. It's definitely taking some people time to adjust, and I suspect some newcomers simply won't adjust and choose to move on.

    2. Yup, the PvP part we seem to have under control. But the system upgrades are not free (goon-paid) anymore. I'll be honest, I had no idea that goons were doing it, but since we were holding 4, I personally didn't bother to ever put any LP into system upgrades. Now I will. We shall see if the actualy minmatar are willing to pay what it costs to keep 4. The real harm the goons did was just letting us be complacent, thinking that it was easy to keep 4. Now we shall see; lets hope that enough actualy pilots choose to spend some of their lp that way!

  8. What are you playing Diablo for? You should be mission running for a million LP! Get that sorted!


    1. I think this current example of Goon isk making machine is a good example of the fact that few pilots/groups in the game take EvE as seriously as the Mittani/goons do. I know their motto is aobut EvE just being a game, but I don't think hardly anyone spends as much out of game time trying to figure out what they can do to make imaginary money as the goons do. And then they have to tell people about it, both in and out of game. They seem to revel in the press coverage / forum posting. And you can't tell me it is their EvE chars that like the attention. I guess I just think the Goons are ironic in that respect.

  9. Yeah but dw doyce once people start recognising you as a constant within fleets getting fleet access should be easier.

    And i lol'ed at 'opinionated loudmouth that everyone secretly hates'. That is more or less true with some of the more veteran FW'ers.

    If it werent for minmatar's simply more interesting and 'should fight for' backing story, i agree i'd be out of here too.
